Thursday, June 11, 2015

An Open Letter, to R.S. Pine (#2)

Dear R.S. Pine

It seams that you situation has worsened. Not only has Azreal begun to take more of an active roal, but one of my universes fears (well, at least minor) has also taken an interest in your case. Do not worry though, I think he only exists in mine, but not yours.

Now, as for your predicament, here is what you should do:

  1. Take caution, Azreal may have servants in the church or on the road (The Archangel has biker gang cults in other multiverses, and Slendy has his proxies [which also look like gangs].). It is possible they would try to make you a cultist of there master
  2. Draw close to God. Read the bible, attend church, and prey.
  3. Try to see if the STAB or anything like it exists. If so, get there help.
  4. If at all possible (and as a last resort), RUN. Abandon your life for a while and go on the run. Keep moving from place to place until your 100% sure Azey and Watch Dog are off your trail. And take a look at "The Most Dangerous Game" while your running.