Tuesday, September 30, 2014

1: An Intro the The Inferno

Hello out there. if you found this blog, its probably because either i contacted you, or your just a random person who just happened to find this blog on the internet. well welcome anyway. this blog is to advise runners(as most of the audience of this blog are. ill explain later) on how to handle this situation that they find themselves in, which, in four words, Chased by Eldritch Abominations. ill try to put information about these Fears, and most humans call them today, and all the other eldritch whatever that is after you mind, body, life, soul, and/or loved ones. Welcome to the Inferno that never ends. ~Shadow (note: this is fiction, apart of the Fear Mythos, which can be found here. all events found here are completely fictional. please do not point this out in comments, which is in Story(or in game, if you prefer). ~Dr0Shadow)