Sunday, October 5, 2014

3: The Great Game

The Great Game is a term used to refer to the relation between The Fears, humans, and sometimes other eldritch beings. The ultimate goal to this “game” is unknown by most mortals, and it seems that the rules are completely “incomprehensible” Humans are incapable of playing as they are in fact the pieces, being manipulated like one would manipulate the pieces of a chess or checkers board.

Certain Fears do not interfere with the Game much; if it at all. The Blind Man for example, prefers to act as an observer most of the time, while The Empty City does not participate at all but serves as a neutral meeting ground for the Fears and their Servants. but on the other side of the spectrum, The Archangel appears to take the most enjoyment in The Game. Sometimes other fears break the rules of the game, whatever its "rules" are, which leeds them to being looked in The Singularity Cell and, at least in my universe, lose most of their power. they are referred to as Fallen Fears.

In some Universe’s the Great Game has smaller portions or segments of it that are sometimes optional for the Fears to take part of. In these segments, the Fears play alongside mortals until the requirements to end the game are reached. Unlike the main game, these sometimes have rule that mortals can understand.

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